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We are a community of people promoting radical changes in American’s eating habits while boosting awareness of our environment and contributing to the economic health of America. There is an excellent alternative to the current fast food and ultra-processed foods that represent the diets of a large part of the population. Here it is…How about cooking rice?
Rice is relatively easy to prepare (honestly, cooking rice is not rocket science!). It is an important goal of our movement is to demystify the idea that cooking rice is complicated. On our Rice Up Your Bowl webpage you will find the best methods to cook rice at home, along with recipes to make your own rice bowl dishes. Surprise your family, friends and yourself with how practical, yummy and healthy rice is!
Ricing Up Your Bowl each day, just might keep the doctor away. Rice is a pure energy source, helping to stabilize blood sugar and lower cholesterol, it increases your metabolism, aids in reducing high blood pressure, building immune levels, slowing down aging, supplying the body with Vitamin B1, and boosting protection against chronic diseases. Rice is also naturally good for you. All rice in its natural state rice is gluten free, sodium free, fat free, potassium enriched AND brown rice has the added benefit of being whole grain.
RICE UP YOUR BOWL with Meryl Kennedy and the new 4Sisters Rice!!!